Saturday, October 14, 2006

el de3la

bena'an 3ala raghbat el moshaheden yaaakom el post hatha :P

my nephew 7asha virus fa he's staying in hospital with my sister bugdez alah eqawma bel salama,, fa when i visited them today something happend,, da3ala 3ala qelat adab 3ala shay ma3aref shasameeh , my sister's friend came to visit tet7amad 3al salama with her kid "2yrs" and her husband.

maskeena ekhti gayla 7ag elkel dont visit cuz el baby ta3ban o ma yet7amal ay viruses new cuz jesma sgheer o ta3baan o aslan katbeen 3al room a big sign maktoob 3alaiha "ISOLATION" ya3ni el ghabi yefham enna visits are not allowed , el drama bedat lama her friend dashat without knocking on the door emnafsa and she said
ehya : balla laish ma gelteeli ena weldech ta3ban haaa???
ekhti : hala walla eflana 7ayach allah , 7abebti lahait eb marath weldi sam7ene

"i got angry shako etgool sorry !"

ehya : 7ata law !! lazim tgoolenli kel enas tadry ella ana ?
" la7thaw enna she didnt say el7amdela 3al salama"

ekhti : e 7agech 3alay shlonech shakhbarich entay enshalah kel shay tamaam
ehya : tara rayli bedesh mayser yoogaf bara "she went out to bring him inside the room"

so he came in said hi o esta7a o 6ala3 barra cuz OHWA ASLAN SHAKO YAY!
she stayed 30mins talking and talking about boring things and it was late , my nephew started crying esta3sar he wants to sleep bas she kept talking "I HATE HER"

ana bamshi 6awalt ok? i said to my sister
ekhti : laaa ge3day plz walla matroo7en

WHILE her friend was talking and talking and talking..........

kel hatha mafeeh shay ,, ele emthayegni saar later

suddenly her friend galat enha btamshy cuz 6AWALAT !
o salimat 3alaina o mishat
2 mins later she came back without KNOCKING on the door again
with a big problem
bugdez 7abeebti weldi made "number 2 " 3azkom allah o 3ayzana aredda el bait aghayyer his diaper do u think the nurse would give me one so i change his diaper here??
me and my sister were like : OH MY GOD

we said : 7abebti we dont know ask el nurse ele bara and see if she could
el nurse didnt give her cuz el diapers 7ag el patients ele tarseen el jana7 wa3laya o hathy 3ayzana etroo7 el bait etghayer pampers her 2yrs old son !
3asebat chan etnaady her husband o her husband 3assab chan ezzef el 6abeeb ele kan mawjood wel 6abeeb maskeen indian ma gedar egoola la' yaabla 5 diapers .

el ma'sat ma entahat ;~~~~(
she came to my nephew room to wash her child , and she took my nephew's towel to dry her son after washing him ;/
"IIII HAAAATTEEE HEEER" thayegatnaaaaa
el de3la stayed an hour .
laish feee nas mat7ess? laish fe naas ma teste7i 3ala wayeha o aslan shloon ma 3endaha damm! god! lama athakar athayag again LOL

that was all


Dr.Lost said...

loooooooooooooooooooool i died laughin at this post :) its ok calm down, its over now.. but yeah seriously OIH MY GOD she's freakin annoying ;p sounds like you were in farwaniya hospital..

No3iK said...


when did this happen!!

9ig 9ig 9ig MANCHAAAAAAB!! el3an 5ayirha ehi o rayilha

hailaaaaj o efashlon
- big hug - 7asssa feech
ana ertf3 `6a`36i wana agra
yallah lets meet again, this time 3ndi ok... 3ashan arafih 3anich :*

adorra said...


Shhal post! yirfa3 il thagh6. Inzain, this story is too long. I demand another post.

um-miT3ib said...

Shooooooooo7eeeeehaa ib jotiyich !:P

F said...

ashkor lekom ta3a6ofkom :P

dr.lost : lol ana lail7een lama athakkar etloo3 chabdi .. la went el saaj 3adan hospital ma6a7 ela enbe6a7 lol

no3ik : lool tara sawat more things ma gelt`ha fa lazim we meet up again :P

Adorra : coming soon afa 3alaich hehe

um-mit3ib : KAN WEDDI bas lo ma elfashla chan i did lol

iliveinq8 said...

ان لم تستحي فصنع ما شئت

Oh My God!...

De3la? No not de3laa! de3la ar7aam wallah!!

Kelshay wala salfat el diapers!!

Enqahart! 3a6eeni esemhom! oo 3enwanhom!! baro7 a3allimhom shloon el la3ana et9eer! o rayelha mal lash6 bil e3gaaal !! sob7an allah el rayal o morta ! laygen 3ala ba3ath!! thona2y e'athy el nas...

Enqahaaaart!! i hate people like that...

oo ekhtich shfeeha wayed 6ayba chethee?????

um-miT3ib said...

bala fashla bala neela.. akher idinya mooot SHO7EEEEEEEEEHAA !! :P

F said...

lathakroooni tara amache3 sha3ri lol

i_live_in_q8 : ekhti kel ma athkir el salfa i call her wazefha lol
allah layableena eb nas chethe ge6e3a btw thanks alot for passing by ;)

um-mit3ib : elyoom while driving to the hospital tethakartech gelt lo ashooofha jad bashoo7ha lol , enshallah elyayat :P

um-miT3ib said...

eeee w 3izmoooonnyy ana weyach itiwa7ad feeha... intay githbeeha wana ados ib ba6enha ! :P *3alamy sayra shareya?*

F said...

um-mit3ib : lool etbardeen el chabd
a7acheech dam enna galbeenha chatting room shofay hal link bamot men el the7ek lol shofeh o GET ME ONE PLZZZZ!!

um-miT3ib said...


um-miT3ib said...


F said...

um-mit3ib : itha legaiteeh goleli hehe

Dakhtour said...

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak so funny wallah :) Ana law menech chan theba7t'ha weya the children :P

F said...

zizotime : khal aChoofha el mara elyaya :P

um-miT3ib said...

waii wayeh,ha manchab khalwa ,,
chan shwateeha fanager w she7teeha lee barra ;p

F said...

zadat 6alabat el teche7et lol
um-mid3aab : i will next time :P

Orangene said...

9ij nas mat7es!!! O il mushkila she's a mother!!:@

N said...

looooooool! wai333 shtabee hathyy? 3ala bo miyana! miyana maskha 7ad'haaa ;P

F said...


tadroon shkether khathat ajer men warana ;p