Monday, August 14, 2006



Kaaan weddi akteb shay bas madri sheno ohwa


malee8 said...

يشرفني اني اكون اول من يعلق بس
صج عجبتني الحركة
خوش ترقيعة

F said...

هلا والله نور البوست .. الصراحه ما توقعت احد يعلق عالترقيعه لوول
ur welcome :)

مبتدئ said...

ثاثا لقثشف حخسف

there is a code in this comment.. try to figure it out ;p

F said...


مخم هة لمشي ع مهنثي هف

6alasem hehehe

Bella Color said...


Interesting :P

Anonymous said...

A Bottle In The Sea!
I know that it's hopeless to write this down, but it would be so great to find what I'm looking for!
Here it goes;

I'm looking for an adult male pure breed West Highland White Terrier.

If you have one, or know someone who has one, or know someone who could help me to find one, I'll be interested in buying it!

So could you all please spread this?

I know that it's a rare breed in Kuwait, but I would love to have it, fix your price!

P.S In case you don't know how it looks like just Google it!

F said...

Bella color hehe welcome sweety

lawyer said...

عرفت الشعور

F said...

mayday mayday
HELP (Blue Ice Envy) for what she's looking for

F said...

lawyer enta meta yeet masheftek hehe

etsaddeg ma hagait wayed nas be7esoon feni bas ashwa fahmeni lol

No3iK said...


i swear 7abbait ur post :****

lol enzain ana abi ga6wa 3ora 3ndha ni9 thail o `6irsain 3gil 6al3en already ... ??? please :`(


F said...

shelsalfa tara its my blog mo jaredat el Wasee6 !!

eg6awa wechlaab ! naglebha zoo a7san? LOL
No3ik i love u tara

Mommy S said...

...same here
mokhy min waladt wehwa maijame3 ;)

مبتدئ said...


u[dfm hkjd !

o'ddddvm ;p

ىخص بهلعقث فاشف خعف !

F said...

shaikhoona : lol fahmetech 100%

مبتدئ : ثةسشناشف ثم سشمبش شساخخب زز سشق ثةناشةش6!
yalla enkamel bel 7alqa el yaya hehe

Dalooooooooooooooool : 7ata entay thay3a bebloggy ? 3alamkom lol
btw g3 a7achech on msn bas i still miss u :***

Fuzzy said...

keep it up
thats a good type-writing routine :P

Chai-7aleeb said...

تعوذى من إبليس

F said...


fuzzy : shokran shokran la da3i hehe

chai-7aleeb : a3utho bellah men eshai6an o atba3ah ;/

Blogger said...

على حد علمي ودراساتي اعتقد والله اعلم انه كتاباتج يا تكون هيروغليفيه او مسماريه
والله يكون بعونج
بس حلووووو البوست وانا صراحتن بإنتظار المزيد من الكتابات العبقريه

F said...

a7laa7ob : Walaw enna kalamek/ch e6naza but cute e6naza
thanks for coming by hehe

barrak said...

غناوي الفرح
وترانيم الالحان
وارسمي للحروف زينه
واعزفي اللي كان
كل شي بالدنيا نقدر عليه
الا النسيان
انسي عاديه

F said...

barrak : منور كالعادة :)
مو دايماً يكون البال مستعد انه يرتب الكلام
و المزاج يتعكر و يمنعني من كتابة اي كلام
و احياناَ انسى شبقول من كثرة انشغال البال
لكنني سأعاود الكتابة و اتبع النصيحه :)

Manooya said...

لوول زلابية ماشالله طلعتي مواهب مكبوته بالربع =)

F said...

manooya : welcome abroad
mishkela akher post nazalta khala el nas takhith fekra ghala6 3ani lol
ya nas egraw my old posts tara ana mo chethe ;/