Saturday, October 21, 2006

Shraykom ?

Did anyone notice his/her eyes while eating ?
I discovered that fact lately
When two people are eating and facing each others faces
At the moment you enter the spoon or bite a sandwich or even drink, you look to the one's facing you

And he does the same thing too
Thats a very stupid thing to notice especially when both are silent
I know we cant look at the spoon all the time cuz as soon as It reachs the mouth It disappears from our sight
I thought its a good notice to share :P

--- Happy Eid everyone I wish everyone a merry 3eed surrounding your families La tensoona bel 3ayadi hehe o Ghoozi el 3afya ba3ad, Latkathroon bel akel :P

--- Dalola Happy Eid to you khososan , I love you so much :*



adorra said...


adorra said...

Ayamich sa3eeda. Raweeni sources that back up the spoon theory. :-p

F said...

Adorra i invented the theory, 3endech ay shekook? 3abalech methlech al3ab beleswar o akhali share3 demashq EMPTY !!!!
Adorra :*

um-miT3ib said...

ana akhez el spoon watghazal bil lugma :P

Seema* said...

never notice that be4 ;p
good for you ^^
aYamiich sa3eeda have a nice 3eeD =)
*nothing just wanna say Hi Oo i like your nick-name "madri somehow shadri yemkin la2eni kent 9ayma ? ;p"
Hehe Best wishes =)

F said...

wwl : ana 3al akel te6la3 sowalfi o ansa aakel akli wahali ezefooni sektay ;/ tholm sa7?

um-mit3ib : walahhnaaa 3ala commentatech walla :* 3alaich bel 3afya emghazelcheyat el akel "shda3wa" :P

kechie-chan : wallah ana elle i liked ur nickname its unique
o etha tabeen mine ma yeghla , thanks for passing by :)

Dr.Lost said...

ishma3na dalal? ;p

and no i never noticed.. i usually look at my food when i eat :)

Fuzzy said...

عيدكم مبارك وعساكم من عواده

Manooya said...

عيدج مبارك وتقبل الله طاعتج ^_^

um-miT3ib said...

ee wala:P w laiiih sarat kakaawaa "yaa ba3aaaadd 6iwayef ahaly inta:P"

um-miT3ib said...

ee w asharek il Dr. ishma3na bs dalaaalll??? ESHME3NA?! does she bribe u ? wela imhadidtich? bainy w bainich ma3alemha;p

Dakhtour said...

Ayamech sa3eedaaa :)

Lool ee momken ako nas yakloon chethy bs lazem ekonon eshwaya mafajee3 o mo shayfeeen khair :P

الاء سعود المجيبل said...

عيدكم مبارك..:)

F said...

ayyaaamkom sa3eeda
dr lost
badly drawn woman
q8ya :*

3asa ma7ad walah y!
Dr + om-mit3ib 3an elleqafa haa :P

Anonymous said...

Well i do realize that when i'm eating outside......eid mubarak to you too...

Anonymous said...

Well i do realize that when i'm eating outside......eid mubarak to you too...

um-miT3ib said...

yal fi6eeEENa ;p
ayamich sa3eeda ;p

um-miT3ib said...

mo legafa;p 7ub lil3ilm faqaaa6 :P

F said...

hey maze :) same to u and thanks alot for reading my blog :)

um-mit3ib a7ebbech madri laish lellaah fellaah

F said...

um-mid3aab : shlonech zaina? :P

um-miT3ib said...

ohwa saja galoooly iny an7aab bs ana makeshaft elsir ba3de;p.. LOL ... 7ata ana a7ibich lilah filah;p

No3iK said...

when i eat i look at ....
no not u !! do i ??

heeey madre gmt ashik b3mre :p

anyways 3laina bl 3afya :***

dlol kalbaa a7ibich :*